Be sure to check back to this page frequently as these are just "Best Laid Plans" and may change based on feedback and unexpected circumstances!
We've basically decided on what we'll be doing over the next couple of months while we work to restore Mayhem! to her glory. So that I can give any readers the opportunity to provide feedback, suggestions, pointers, opinions etc. I'll list it all here. Please don't be offended if we don't end up taking your advice... if you know me, you know I'm stubborn and if I've already made my mind up on something, it has to be a pretty compelling argument for me to change! Give it your best though please! If nothing else, you can say "I told you so!"
1) New Bottom: This involves sanding off all the old paint down to the gel-coat. Then applying a thick coat of primer (went with Interlux Interprotect 2000e barrier coat) which can be long-boarded (sanded) down to a fine surface in preparation for the bottom paint. In this case we'll be using Interlux: Baltoplate, a hard bottom racing paint with low friction, high speed and high $$$.
2) Fairing the Keel: This actually comes before the primer mentioned in step 1 but because it is so crucial to racing performance, I feel it deserves its own numerical step. For this process, I'll use aluminum keel templates that were made by my friend Mitch based on specifications from the Clark Boat Co. (the maker of the San Juan 24). This is crucial because a keel is similar to a wing on an airplane. Ever notice dents, ripples, bumps, scratches in the wing of an airplane? I didn't think so... that is because these things create drag, impede lift, and have a negative effect on performance. Having a "faired" keel will give me the best possible performance by creating the lowest possible drag and highest possible lift.DONE
3) Fairing the Rudder: Same as above, hopefully much less involved!DONE
4) Top Side Paint Job. We chose to go with Awlcraft Cloud White for topsides. We chose Awlgrip Cloud White for the hullsides. DONE
5) New Non-Skid: We'll be rolling on Kiwigrip. It will be light gray in color and can be applied differently in different areas depending on how aggressive you want the grip to be.
6) Hull Graphics: More details to come!
7) Interior cleanup, paint, and refurbishing: Inside has been completely stripped, sanded and washed. Will be applying 545 primer and then Awlcraft Cloud white here (had leftover from Topsides)
8) Installing/wiring depth finder.
9) Installing/wiring stereo & speakers.
10) Installing/Wiring auto-pilot (raymarine ST1000)
Sounds like you need to start looking for a job on the weekends. Ha ha ha ;)
Can't wait to follow the progress. Good luck!
email @
send me a email I'm doing the same project out of toronto. i have a yellow san juan 24. she is a 74.
I've done a lot of work and still have lots in front of me!
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